

※ The department curriculum has three components:

Liberal education requirements(36Credits), a major(75Credits), and electives.

Yr-Sem-R/E Course (Credit)
1-1-E Introduction to Cities (3)
1-1-E Computer Practice in Urban Planning (2)

1-2-E Urban Statistics and Computer Application (2)
2-1-R Transportation Engineering (3)
2-1-R Data Mining (3)
2-1-E Urban Planning Theory (2)
2-1-E Urban Space Design (3)
2-1-E Introduction to GIS (2)

2-1-E Urban & Real Estate Development (2)
2-2-R Land Use Planning (3)
2-2-E Urban Transportation Planning (3)
2-2-E Urban Design Practices (2)
2-2-E Urban Economics (2)
2-2-E Environment·Transportation Surveying Technology and Laboratory (3)
2-2-E Data Science (3)
3-1-R Urban Planning and Transportation Planning Practice (3)
3-1-E Site Planning and Visual Landscape Design (3)
3-1-E Environmental Impact Assessment (3)

3-1-E GIS Application to Urban and Environmental Field
3-1-E Urban and Transportation Facilities Planning (3)
3-1-E Sustainable Transportation and Mobility (2)
3-2-R Urban Design Studio (3)

3-2-R Urban Environmental Policy (3)
3-2-R Introduction to Urban Water Infrastructure Engineering and Laboratory (3)
3-2-E Real Estate Development and Project Management (3)
nbline 3-2-E Urban Spatial Structure (2)
3-2-E Transportation Simulation (3)
4-1-E Transportation Seminar (2)
4-1-E Decision-making and Negotiation Theories (2)
4-1-E Theory of Urban Architecture (2)
4-1-E Eco-city Planning and Design (3)
4-1-E Introduction to Urban Environment Modeling (2)
4-1-E Housing Policy Studies (2)
4-2-E Urban Planning Codes (3)
4-2-E Space, Environmental and Safety Seminar (2)
4-2-E Transportation Big Data (2)
4-2-E Industry-Academic Seminar (1)

Courses Abstract

Introduction to Cities

This course offers an interdisciplinary pre-professional undergraduate major designed to prepare students for careers in both the public and private sectors related to urban engineering. It also provides a sound foundation for students intending to do graduate work in law, public policy, development, urban design, management, and planning itself.

Computer Practice in Urban Planning

This course aims to enhance the ability to express the contents of urban planning in 2D and 3D graphic. For this, I will teach how to use Auto CAD and SketchUP, which are used in various fields of urban planning through hands-on experience.

Urban Statistics and Computer Application

During one semester course, fundamental statistical knowledge and techniques will be studied that are necessary for statistic analysis from data collection to statistical inference in the view of urban and environment impact assessment. In order to enhance the ability of field application, all participants would hereby have the computer application practices using several statistical subroutine packages. As major topics in the class, discussions on random variables, probability distribution functions, change of variables, statistical testing and regression analysis and so on will be executed during course work with practices.

Transportation Engineering

This course ‘Transportation Engineering’ introduces the undergraduates who first study traffic what are the issues related to transportation, and acquires transportation-related terms, basic theories and knowledge. The curriculum will focus on understanding and analyzing the characteristic of traffic flow characteristic, traffic model, traffic survey, level of service and road capacity analysis, traffic lights, intersections, expressway, arterial highways and local roads.

Data Mining

The course is designed for students to be accustomed to manipulate and use personal computers. Students will learn about program development language such as Matlab, Fortran, C, and Visual++ . Major topics will be Matlab/Cemtool syntax and various programming techniques such as decisions, loops, arrays, functions, and file processing.

Urban Planning Theory

Urban Theory covers planning implications of economic, geographic, political and social structure of cities and regions. It also explores how social theories of urban life can be related to cities and regions. It aims to generate new ideas about the city by connecting the social and the physical entities.

Urban Space Design

These concerns have long been shared with other design disciplines such as architecture and landscape architecture. Contemporary urban design, however, differs from these design disciplines in the means used to achieve these ends: urban designers modify or create places indirectly. The objective of this course is to introduce you to urban design as a process as well as a product of that process. Through exposure to past and current issues, theories, and values in urban design, you should at the end of the course be aware of the possibilities and opportunities, as well as the complexities and contradictions in urban design. There are two significances of this lectures: you will be exposed to factors affecting the quality of urban life not usually covered in other urban planning courses: you will become aware of the larger context within which your work is situated. All student will benefit from a better understanding of what makes urban places work.

Introduction to GIS

This subject studies basic theories related to the generation of the spatial data and the application technologies of GIS to the management of urban information. The class will be operated two aspects: one is lecturing of the basic GIS theories and practicing the user's manual of the commercialized GIS package.

Urban & Real Estate Development

This course aims to develop basic knowledge for the development of various scale and character from new city size to individual building unit, For this, This course introduce and discuss concepts and theories of urban and real estate development, related systems, politics, business methods, and development cases.

Land Use Planning

In the first step, this course tries to understand an elementary concept of urban land use planning, and a basic contents in each stage of the planing process. In the second step, it deals with urban land use regulatory for desirable urban growth management including zoning system.

Urban Transportation Planning

This course introduces general theories and planning methods related to transportation planning which is the most important sector of urban planning, and makes the students learn the above topics through the rational discussions. The course gives the particular attention to such topics as the characteristics and problems of urban transportation, planning process, demand theory, demand forecasting method, project evaluation , and others.

Urban Design Practices

Through exposure to past and current issues, theories, and values in urban design, you should at the end of the course be aware of the possibilities and opportunities, as well as the omplexities and contradictions in creating and maintaining quality urban places. There are two approaches of this lectures: you will be exposed to factors affecting the quality of urban life not usually covered in other urban planning courses; you will become aware of the larger context within which your work is situated as well as the different approach taken in urban design to the design of places. So all student will benefit from a better understanding of what makes urban places work. Through this course, you will all become more informed and critical 'consumers' of urban environments.

Urban Economics

This course provides students not only with basic knowledge regarding regional economics for the analysis of city and region but also with the opportunity being exposed to general understanding and to the process of diagnosing the urban problems. The contents of the course consist of industrial location, land use theory, urban formation and growth theory, urban development, regional economic analysis, regional growth theory, and urban and regional growth theory.

Environment·Transportation Surveying Technology and Laboratory

This subject studies basic surveying theories related to the topological relationships among natural as well as artificial objects such as urban and transportation facilities on the earth and laboratory techniques to analyse pollution substance in water. Major topics would be some issues such as traverse surveying technology and water quality analysis techniques in terms of organic substances and nutrients.

Data Science

This course deals with the basic and applied techniques for the efficient numerical solution of problems in science and engineering. Topics of this course include root finding, interpolation, approximation of functions, integration, differential equations and direct and iterative methods in linear algebra.

Urban Planning and Transportation Planning Practice

This course is to practice the urban planning and transportation planning in sample cities based on the knowledge of the existing urban and transportation planning subjects. The practice includes populations estimation, industrial plan, land use plan, transportation plan and park and green plan, is carried out by each group.

Site Planning and Visual Landscape Design

This course will practice the fundamentals of urban design for the rational use of urban spaces as they relate to all scales of the built environment – including population density, building density, building style, facilities and housing layout. Also students will explore its effects on social, cultural and economic aspects of physical form.

Environmental Impact Assessment

This course will provide basic knowledge to investigate, analyse, and evaluate the impacts of certain development projects which may have adverse impacts on environment before projects take effects, and with plans to get rid of and/or reduce those impacts.

GIS Application to Urban and Environmental Field

This course intends to provide students with fundamental understanding of GIS (Geographic Information System) and with practical application of this knowledge to urban planning, urban management, environmental planning, and environmental management. This course will deal with GIS not related to raster-based but mainly vector-based.

Urban and Transportation Facilities Planning

It primarily focuses on the planning of urban and transportation planning facilities, their sites, and the infrastructure systems which serve them. It examines causes of locational conflicts or problems of urban and transportation planning facilities in Korea and abroad, with a particular focus on the collective dispute resolution procedures among major stake-holders. In addition, it emphasizes analysis of current and emerging policies and programs of public facilities that seek to respond to public issues. Students would be exposed to a series of lectures on analytical techniques and examples of good facilities planning practice.

Sustainable Transportation and Mobility

Unlike traditional institutional-based transportation services, this course ‘Sustainable Transportation and Mobility’ explains all the knowledge needed to foster future-oriented transportation and mobility experts by understanding sustainable transport and mobility services. The curriculum covers the introduction, direction, design, construction and operation status, policies of various mobility services, including non-powered transportation means and e-Mobility, starting with the traffic environment.

Urban Design Studio

In this course we work with five general steps: first is the development of visual and manual acuities - learning how to see and record, primarily through training in observation, drawing, and making things. In particular, we emphasize "materials in process" situations, such as the complementary states of wetness and dryness. Second is the development of spatial, tactile, and temporal sensibilities - learning how to imagine and work with a variety of scalar and spatial configurations as well as temporal effects. Third is the development of approaches toward working with sites and places - learning how to "see" potential and uniqueness of sites; and how to record and transcribe these findings through design. Fourth is the development of imaginative, speculative, and critical capacities - learning how to imagine and create alternative worlds that are critically informed by past and current ideas. And fifth is the development of programmatic, political, social, and technical creativity - learning how to organize utility, efficacy, and cultural program in newly creative ways, studying infrastructure and large-scale organization as well as programming techniques and planning.

Urban Environmental Policy

This course intends to provide students with fundamental refreshment of the relationship between development and environmental conservation, and to help students find alternatives regarding urban planning and design in harmony with environment.

Introduction to Urban Water Infrastructure Engineering and Laboratory

This course provides basic engineering theories covering both fields of water supply and wastewater. Water supplying engineering covers with water resource quality, intake, water conveyance, water treatment facilities, distribution system, and service facilities for the purpose of supplying water. On the other hand, wastewater system includes fundamental knowledge related to the planning and designing of collection sewer networks and treatment plants with final disposal systems. In addition, water quality experiment techniques will be practiced at laboratory.

Real Estate Development and Project Management

The objective of this course is to deliver the information, skills, and techniques associated with the creation and management of the physical products of real estate created through the process of real estate development. It is intended to expose students to the general skills, techniques and process associated with each of the functional areas involved in real estate development so that they may organize and lead the development process. In addition, the course also seeks to assess the fundamental characteristics of the real estate development industry, its products, contracts, regulatory and legal context and its markets.

Urban Spatial Structure

To understand a concept of urban spatial structure, and relation a basic structure of urban space and socioeconomic structure of the society. Based on the understanding, to study theories of urban internal structure, urban system and central places.

Transportation Simulation

This course, ‘Transportation Simulation’ is planned to gain professional competence in future transportation technology by learning traffic engineering and traffic professional simulations required for planning design, analysis and evaluation. It deals with an introduction to simulation and use of VISSIM, a micro-simulated model that is used most importantly, and a macro-simulated model (EMME or TransCAD). The main purpose of this course is to enable students to actually utilize traffic simulations through practice so that they can be applied directly in the filed. It also includes a traffic engineering exercise, which will address various transportation problems through transportation engineering theory.

Transportation Seminar

This course makes the students solve the real problems through seminars based on the various theories which are introduced in the courses of urban transportation planning, transportation engineering and practice, highway engineering, and others. The contents are as follows: space(national, regional and urban) and transportation, transportation improvement plans, green modes, transportation impact analysis, transportation policy, urban transits, public transportation, TSM, TDM, ITS, transportation environment, and etc. In particular, this course gives an opportunity to survey, research, arrange, and present their topics interested to the students.

Decision-making and Negotiation Theories

This course focuses on helping students write and present their ideas in cogent, persuasive arguments and other analytical frameworks. It examines negotiation concepts and also simulates negotiation techniques as an ad hoc or integrated element of a planning process. Case assignments and exercises are used to supplement readings.

Theory of Urban Architecture

The course introduces students to leading developments in the history and theory of architecture and urban design from ancient to present. Innovation and change in design conception with architectural styles and urban form are examined. Attention is also paid to the way architecture and urban design has historically been shaped by varying combinations of the formal and theoretical intentions of the architect and urban designer, the preferences and needs of the developer, and the particular mix of social, economic, cultural, and technical factors operating to define the specific characteristics of a given time and place.

Eco-city Planning and Design

This course intends to deal with basic meaning of eco-city planning, specific planning methods, eco-city design, and prospects of the theme. Through this course, students will learn the general history of city development, and the meaning of eco-city planning as one of integrated planning methods to pursue sustainable city development satisfying ecological harmony between nature and human.

Introduction to Urban Environment Modeling

This subject introduces the basic theories on the application of modeling skills that can be used to plan and design the urban space as a very commingled system with different attributes and also debates the application of the models to the field problems.

Housing Policy Studies

Proper supply of adequate housing is one of the important goals of urban planning. This course aims to enhance students' ability to understand the causes of housing problems and find solutions. For this, I will introduce the basic concept of housing, housing problems, housing related systems, housing theory, domestic and foreign housing policy examples.

Urban Planning Codes

This course examines the legal framework within which planning takes place in urban areas. It emphasizes the role of law in structuring local government responses to social, economic and physical planning issues and in allocating power among local governments, between local and central governments, and between governments and the private sectors of society. It covers cases, legislation, and materials illustrative of the social, economic, and environmental interrelationships of land-use planning and the dynamic role of law as a system of controlled conflict; traditional and emerging concepts of zoning, subdivision regulation, housing codes, and review procedures.

Space, Environmental and Safety Seminar

This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to capture knowledge to analyze spatial, environmental and safety problems which are often happening in urban areas with theoretical and critical view through interactive team discussion. Students are asked to diagnose urban spatial problems and to propose alternatives toward problems considering diverse factors such as socio-economy, demography, environmental impacts, and industrial structure, etc.

Transportation Big Data

Recent advances in telecommunications technology have created near-population levels of big data in many areas, and this is no exception in urban and transportation. This course is aimed at getting students to understand the most important data for service and business development by acquiring attributes and ways to utilize the various urban and traffic data that are generated explosively in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Starting with the introduction of data collection, processing, information generation and providing within the traditional intelligent transport system, it introduces collection, information, processing, generation and providing in big data, and analyzes the differences and advantages and disadvantages between traditional methods and big data methods. It also cultivates a conceptual description of the platform of big data and knowledge of how to utilize it.

Industry-Academic Seminar

The objective of this subject is to learn the state-of-art technology and trends in industry by the invited lecturers from business and government organization and to reduce the distance between academic education and industry. In addition, the information and expectation for the recruit is provided by them.
