The department of safety engineering in Chungbuk National University was established in 1984, which is the first official department in Korea to educate safety engineers.
The object of the engineering is to provide that people can pursue their dream and prosperous future as humanity while it should preserve the national environment. Among various engineering parts, the safety engineering promises all workers to actualize their dream and happiness of life.
The department of safety engineering was established to guarantee personal safety and property and the environment against industrial accidents.
The aim of this department is to educate safety experts that can give engineering solutions for the industrial accidents by analyzing surrounding risk. The undergraduate course was open in 1984.
The undergraduate program includes the following areas :
ire and explosion protection, risk assessment and control, human reliability and safety management, industrial hygiene, mechanical safety, electrical safety, chemical safety, construction safety, other safety-related topics. And, to perform creative research and train specialists in safety engineering, the graduate program for M.S. and Ph.D. have been provided since 1988. As a multidisciplinary engineering, students could study multi majors to match various industrial demand.
Graduates are working as leading safety engineers in various industries such as electronics companies, heavy industrial companies, automobile companies, chemical companies, construction companies, etc.
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